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Aquestive Therapeutics获得FDA快速通道认证的AQST-109,用于包括过敏反应在内的过敏反应紧急治疗

美国制药公司aququestive Therapeutics公司(纳斯达克股票代号:AQST)今天宣布,美国食品和药物管理局(FDA)授予AQST-109快速通道认证,这是第一个也是唯一一个口服肾上腺素类候选产品,用于包括过敏反应在内的过敏反应的紧急治疗。

Aquestive的首席执行官Keith Kendall说:“我们将专注于继续开发,如果获得批准,将这种革命性的产品带给患者和护理人员,因为它有可能显著改善他们管理过敏反应的方式。”“快速通道指定是指FDA认识到AQST-109,如果批准,满足了一个重大的未满足的需求。像AQST-109这样的肾上腺素口服薄膜可以在患者需要的时候、在他们需要的地方以他们喜欢的形式为他们提供挽救性药物。”





关于aqst - 109

aququestive Therapeutics, Inc.(纳斯达克代码:AQST)是一家研发药物的制药公司,旨在解决患者在当前护理标准下的问题,并提供变革性产品来改善他们的生活。我们正在开发口服给药产品,以传递复杂的分子,为侵入性和不方便的标准护理疗法提供新的替代方案。到目前为止,Aquestive在美国市场上有五种商业化产品,四种许可产品和一种独立的专利产品,用于治疗Lennox-Gastaut综合征相关癫痫发作的Sympazan®(clobazam)口服膜片。我们的授权商在美国和世界各地销售他们的产品。该公司还与制药公司合作,使用专有的、一流的技术将新分子推向市场,如PharmFilm®,并已证明具有药物开发和商业化能力。aququestive正在研发一种晚期的专利产品,主要用于治疗中枢神经系统疾病,以及一种早期的用于治疗包括过敏反应在内的严重过敏反应。欲了解更多信息,请访问Aquestive.com跟着我们走LinkedIn

本新闻稿中的某些陈述包括1995年《私人证券诉讼改革法案》意义上的“前瞻性陈述”。诸如“相信”、“预期”、“计划”、“期望”、“估计”、“打算”、“可能”、“将”或这些术语的否定词,以及类似的表达,都是为了识别前瞻性陈述。这些前瞻性陈述包括但不限于:关于AQST-109(肾上腺素)口服膜通过监管和开发管道的进展和相关时间的陈述;AQST-109的临床试验时机和计划;临床和商业策略,市场机会,以及其他不是历史事实的陈述。这些前瞻性陈述受到COVID-19全球大流行对我们业务的不确定影响的影响,包括我们的临床试验,包括起始地点、患者登记、临床试验的时间和充分性;对我们候选产品的监管提交和监管审查和批准;医药成分及其他原材料供应链、制造、配送;我们产品的销售和需求;我们的流动资金和可获得的资本资源; customer demand for our products and services; customers’ ability to pay for goods and services; and ongoing availability of an appropriate labor force and skilled professionals. Given these uncertainties, the Company is unable to provide assurance that operations can be maintained as planned prior to the COVID-19 pandemic.

这些前瞻性陈述是基于我们当前的期望和信念,并受到许多风险和不确定性的影响,这些风险和不确定性可能导致实际结果与前瞻性陈述中所述的结果存在重大差异。此类风险和不确定性包括但不限于与公司开发工作相关的风险,包括我们的产品开发活动和针对AQST-109和其他候选产品的临床试验的时间、成本和成功的任何延迟或更改;Libervant®(diazepam)颊膜、AQST-109和我们的其他候选药物FDA批准延迟或未能获得FDA批准的风险;有能力解决FDA 2020年9月25日关于Libervant新药申请的完整回复信中确定的问题;风险的能力向FDA证明“临床优势”在FDA规定的意义Libervant相对于FDA批准的安定直肠凝胶和喷鼻剂产品,包括通过建立病人护理的主要贡献在FDA法规相对于批准产品的意义以及其他潜在的途径或职位相关风险或可能在未来先进FDA克服七年孤儿药专卖权FDA批准了美国竞争对手的鼻喷雾剂产品,但不能保证我们会成功;竞争对手获得FDA孤儿药专营权的风险,该产品与我们正在寻求FDA批准的任何其他药物的活性部分相同,该较早获得批准的竞争对手的孤儿药在美国针对相同适应症的其他候选产品封锁了7年;因其他原因获得市场准入的风险;新产品商业化所固有的风险(包括技术风险、财务风险、市场风险、实施风险和监管限制);开发我们的销售和营销能力的风险; risk of sufficient capital and cash resources, including access to available debt and equity financing and revenues from operations, to satisfy all of our short-term and longer term liquidity and cash requirements and other cash needs, at the times and in the amounts needed; risks related to the outsourcing of certain marketing and other operational and staff functions to third parties; risk of the rate and degree of market acceptance of our product and product candidates; the success of any competing products, including generics; risk of the size and growth of our product markets; risks of compliance with all FDA and other governmental and customer requirements for our manufacturing facilities; risks associated with intellectual property rights and infringement claims relating to the Company’s products; risk of unexpected patent developments; the impact of existing and future legislation and regulatory provisions on product exclusivity; legislation or regulatory actions affecting pharmaceutical product pricing, reimbursement or access; claims and risks that may arise regarding the safety or efficacy of the Company's products and product candidates; risk of loss of significant customers; risks related to legal proceedings and associated costs, including patent infringement, investigative and antitrust litigation matters; changes in government laws and regulations; risk of product recalls and withdrawals; uncertainties related to general economic, political, business, industry, regulatory and market conditions and other unusual items; and other uncertainties affecting the Company described in the “Risk Factors” section and in other sections included in our Annual Report on Form 10 K, in our Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q, and in our Current Reports on Form 8-K filed with the Securities Exchange Commission. Given those uncertainties, you should not place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date made. All subsequent forward-looking statements attributable to us or any person acting on our behalf are expressly qualified in their entirety by this cautionary statement. The Company assumes no obligation to update forward-looking statements or outlook or guidance after the date of this press release whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as may be required by applicable law.

PharmFilm®、Sympazan®和Aquestive标识是Aquestive Therapeutics, Inc.的注册商标。

ICR Westwicke

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